Setfords offers its consultants the opportunity to work from anywhere in the world.
Setfords lawyers were amongst the first in the industry to experience a revolutionary way of working. For more than 10 years, consultants at Setfords have experienced the true meaning of flexible working by having the ability to work from anywhere in the world.
The phrase most commonly used to describe what people have experienced during the last year is ‘home working’. However, such a phrase simply doesn’t do justice to the tremendous opportunities that ‘remote working’ can enable. It’s no longer about working from home; it’s about working from anywhere in the world.
Whether you are more productive working in a café or sitting on a bench at your favourite hiking spot, maybe it’s at the beach or even in a hotel lobby. Perhaps it’s one location for a day of reporting and another for phone calls. For some, the choice might well be working from home. But the conversation changes when you decide where that is and truly embrace the endless possibilities of remote working. Whatever your preference, your law firm should be providing you with the support to work comfortably from anywhere.
To get the most out of working from anywhere, it is critical that you have an employer that is embracing remote working not because they have to, but because they really want to. While many lawyers might now choose where they live and work, they are still tied to deadlines and unrealistic targets – legal work elements that have nothing to do with the customer experience and everything to do with profits for overpaid partners.
To fully appreciate the opportunity of working from anywhere, lawyers should be given the freedom to decide what sort of working life they want. There is no point living in paradise if you are tied to your desk trying desperately to meet a target set by someone with their own interests at heart? Not only can Setfords consultants work where they want, but they also enjoy a much larger fee share and set their own targets.
Here are just some of the locations our globe-trotting Setfords consultants operate:
The Isle of Arran, Scotland
Senior Consultant Solicitor Carol Lee works on the Isle of Arran and opened a vegan BnB with her husband Jules:
“Working this way over the past decade has enabled me to change my lifestyle by moving away from the traditional “nine to five commute” to being able to fulfil my dream of living on a beautiful Scottish island, whilst still serving my many long-established and new clients in England.”
Vancouver, Canada
Globe-Trotter and Corporate Insolvency Lawyer Faye Griffiths works from Vancouver Canada, after previously having lived and worked in Singapore, Hong Kong and London.
“The consultancy model has been on my radar for several years, but it was only in the past year that I looked at it from this angle of working for a UK consultancy from overseas. The ability to live in a beautiful part of the world, still be able to undertake high quality work and then ski in the afternoons, is one of the key drivers for me in pursuing this route.”
British Military Base, Cyprus
Remote working also gave conveyancer Dawn Brogan the freedom she needed to ensure her partner could fulfil his dreams. When Dawn’s husband was posted to Cyprus as part of his military career, she was able to pick up her consultancy work and carry on. She spent two years in the glorious Cypriot sunshine serving her British-based customers, before returning to England when her husband relocated again.
St Helena
New to Setfords – Consultant solicitor Richard Holland works from the Island of St Helena in the South Atlantic as the principle legal adviser to the Government of St Helena on all aspects of Commercial and Contract law.
Find out more about taking the next steps towards achieving success at Setfords.
Thinking about consultancy?
Lawyers who become consultants at Setfords earn more money, experience less office politics, and enjoy a better-work life balance. The next consultant could be you. So get in touch today and take the next step towards a happier life.
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