Consultant solicitor Rebecca Lloyd shares her journey over seven years of consultancy.

Though it has been widely reported that one-third of UK lawyers could be working in alternative firms like Setfords by 2026, consultancy is still a relatively new concept in the legal world.

Setfords was one of the first law firms in the UK to focus on the alternative model, and so far we have enjoyed great success. That’s all thanks to our lawyers, many of whom have been with us as consultants for many years.

One such lawyer is Rebecca Lloyd, a consultant residential property solicitor who recently celebrated seven years at Setfords.

Here, Rebecca talks about her journey to becoming a Setfords consultant and why she has stuck with us for seven years and counting.

An alternative to traditional law

Before becoming a consultant, Rebecca worked in traditional firms before taking five years out due to the stressful lifestyle they offered. When looking to return to a full-time role, she found that, because of the commute and the fact she had two young children who would need childcare, working in a traditional high street firm didn’t make financial sense.

Instead, she began to look for an alternative and found Setfords. Consultancy was still a new concept seven years ago, but Rebecca found that it would suit her situation perfectly, allowing her greater financial freedom whilst being there for her young family. She says:

“ At the time, Setfords was the only firm really offering this set-up and they seemed honest and supportive.

I saw the advert while on Maternity with my second baby and rang to find out what the catch was. I came down to meet the team with the baby and hubby in tow and found out that there was no catch and the Setfords model fundamentally meant I could work from home and be mum. WFH was unknown in the industry in the north, so it wasn’t an option in a normal firm.

While my baby did go into some child care so I could work, he didn’t have to go full time and I could also be at every pick up, drop off, and school play for my eldest.”

Consultancy has grown in popularity since Rebecca joined, but Setfords still offers a market-leading package for lawyers who are looking for greater flexibility, freedom, and financial remuneration. Earning up to 80 per cent of your billings whilst deciding on your own schedule are just two of the perks. Setfords also has a 140+ strong support team included in our fee split, who are always on hand to assist with everything from admin to technical support.

Success with consultancy

Over the last seven years, Rebecca’s business with Setfords has gone from strength to strength. The consultancy model has provided many benefits for both her and her family, enabling them to fully renovate their home and spend more time with each other and in their local community:

“My success as a consultant has meant that my hubby could have a chance to go part time and spend some time with the boys when they were small. It has also given us the finances to move and serve in our community that we were part of but weren’t living in. We have renovated the house from top to bottom and have a full office in the back for three staff and could take more on.”

The freedom that Setfords offers has also allowed Rebecca to pursue a long-term dream outside of work. She says:

“In the last three years, I have studied alongside my successful business to become ordained in the Church of England last year, and I will be priested in June this year. Working at Setfords has meant I could pursue this dream and have the flexibility when needed to work from anywhere.”

Our consultancy model offers ultimate flexibility to lawyers like Rebecca who have families and passions they wish to pursue outside of work. Our lawyers can choose their own schedules, so it is far easier to fit in work around life, rather than the other way around.

No regrets

Overall, Rebecca enjoys everything that Setfords consultancy has to offer. She says the best thing about being a consultant is:

“The ability to be my own boss but have that back up of a wider team when needed. I love the flexibility and life-work balance.”

She advises that any lawyers who are considering consultancy at Setfords should take the plunge:

“Do it, you won’t regret it. I remember being scared at the beginning about whether I would even get one file but within months I had more files than I could handle and employed staff to support me. If you’re good at what you do, why let someone else take all the credit?”

Is consultancy for me?

If you want to find out more about becoming a consultant with us, get in touch. We are happy to conduct interviews remotely for suitable, UK-qualified candidates with five or more years’ experience. If you’re a good fit, you’ll be joining a team that was created for lawyers to do their best work.

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        This allows us to send you the information you need to know about consultancy

        This enables us to get in touch and discuss life as a Setfords consultant

        Currently, we can only work with lawyers qualified under one of these regulatory bodies