What kind of lawyer are you? And does that make you a good fit to work as a consultant lawyer?
NO, WE’RE NOT ASKING what kind of law you practice. We have opportunities in most areas, from banking law to personal injury, family to litigation… Actually, as we cover 50 disciplines, we’d better leave it there, otherwise we’ll never get beyond this first paragraph. What we’re really interested in is what kind of legally-qualified person you are.
We’ve been around since 2006 and whilst we’ve been maturing into a grown-up firm of 400+ lawyers, we’ve learned a lot about the kinds of people who are drawn to the consultancy model. They fall into the following categories, which we like to think of as six of the best. Read on to find out if we’re likely to slot together like a couple of well-made jigsaw pieces.
The entrepreneur
You’re young (25-40), you’re ambitious and you’re great at what you do. Which is to say that you’ve already attracted a fair following of your own. As likely as not, you’ll have run your own law firm. Proprietorship experience means you want to retain its pros and drop as many of its cons as possible. Which is why our fee-split structure suits you like it was made in Savile Row. You do what you’re really skilled at: we’ll provide all the marketing support you need.
Beautifully balanced
You feel like you’ve done more commuting than a mainline train-driver. At 40ish, it has very much dawned on you that there is more to life than work. Management and traditional structures are far too constraining for you. It may be a young family, a hobby you are passionate about, or a menagerie of pets – that has made you realise it’s time for freedom. Freedom to choose when, where and how you work, to make time for what really matters.
Frustrated Partner
You’ve reached the ‘pinnacle’ of your career as a partner in a senior position as a partner or director at a well-established firm, you are exhausted by pointless meetings, office politics and endless admin. You have an established network, so can get on with things very well on your own. At 40+, you just need a hand with the heavy-lifting and admin of running a firm. At Setfords we’ll give you the support you’re looking for so you can smash through the glass ceiling.
Parent duties
Nothing, but nothing is more important to you than your budding family unit. How could there be? We understand that. In legal terms you’re still relatively tender yourself, likely between 25 and 40. And, as a new parent, work-life balance is hugely important to you. You’ve realised that maternity/ paternity leave could leave you behind your colleagues: you just need to take control by choosing when and where to work. You’ll wiggle that around your nurturing duties so you earn as much as possible to support your lovely little fam. Seriously, we’re right behind you with that. Now, go grab some sleep!
Dynamic doers
You are already working in a consultancy firm so you are well versed in how to acquire and retain clients. Yet, while all those satisfied souls will follow you around as if you were the pied piper, you have the ability to focus very well on what needs doing now. Clearly, you haven’t won and kept clients happy by ignoring them. You simply have the entrepreneurial spirit, and social nous, to fulfil their needs while getting stuff done. Perhaps your current firm has offered you the word but it hasn’t quite been what you expected. You’re smart enough to appreciate that your consultancy career is only really possible if it’s backed up by superb support. That’s where we come in…
Disheartened Associate
No wonder you’re disgruntled. You’ve worked your socks off to become a lawyer at a top firm. And what have you got in return? Stunted growth and zero progression. Becoming a partner is as distant to you as a burnt-out star. Which, when you gaze into the space around you, is a neat way to describe the constellation of burnt-out colleagues surrounding you. You were sold a dazzling dream but feel weighed down by impossibly high targets and a never-ending workload. Now the prospect of taking back control of your legal career has become incredibly appealing. Join us for flexibility and freedom to reignite your passion for law.
Is consultancy for me?
If you want to find out more about becoming a consultant with us, get in touch. We are happy to conduct interviews remotely for suitable, UK-qualified candidates with five or more years’ experience. If you’re a good fit, you’ll be joining a team that was created for lawyers to do their best work.
The next step towards a better way of working…