Hiring legal talent

How can law firms attract the best legal talent?

Recruiting and retaining great legal talent is crucial for any firm that wants to grow and achieve its goals. However, doing so is easier said than done. In a report from Wolters Kluwer, it is stated that “81% of legal professionals say the ability to recruit and retain talent will have an impact on law firms and corporate legal departments in the next one to three years (up from 75% in 2022).” and “38% of legal departments expect talent recruitment and retention to be among the top three challenges in the next three years.”

It’s a common thought that finding and retaining the best talent is all about the money. Of course, providing fair remuneration is important, but the best legal talent is looking for more than that. With an increased focus on a better work-life balance and workplace cultures, law firms of all kinds need to be doing what they can to attract and retain existing lawyers as well as the next generation of legal talent. This article explores some of the ways in which businesses in the legal industry can do just that. 

Creating a great culture

For many professionals, not just in the legal sector, working somewhere with a great culture is of paramount importance. We spend so much of our lives at work, so making sure it’s at a company that prioritises a good culture can make that time a lot more enjoyable. Putting in the effort to develop a positive working culture can benefit a law firm by making it easier to attract good lawyers, and retain them by building a sense of community and belonging.

A great culture can mean many different things to different people, but some of the key elements can look like:

  • Encouraging open communication
  • Fostering respect between everyone at the firm
  • Championing inclusion
  • A commitment to wellbeing
  • A focus on growth
  • Prioritising innovation

A balancing act

There’s no denying that the workforce is getting younger, with more and more Gen Z and Millenials (those born between 1981 and 2012) working than ever before . Together, they account for almost half of the working population, which is only going to rise further. Younger workers are also the most likely to say they’re willing to leave their jobs. So, in order to retain them, law firms need to make sure they’re developing into the sort of place they want to stay. 

According to Deloitte, the things that younger workers want include a focus on sustainability, a good work/life balance, and opportunities to have a real impact within the organisation, among others. As hiring from younger demographics becomes more important for firms of all kinds and sizes, those who are able to keep up with their priorities are sure to have the most success.

Focus on flexibility 

One of the key topics in today’s working world is flexibility. Thanks to the Covid-19 pandemic, many lawyers were abruptly forced into the world of flexible working, but quickly came to enjoy the greater freedoms it offers. No longer were they tied down to a busy commute, and lunch breaks could be used for spending time with loved ones or getting outdoors instead of at their desks. That is, until traditional firms started to strongly encourage their lawyers back into the office full time

Now, flexible working is valued more than ever. It allows lawyers to better fit their work around the rest of their lives, and not the other way around. Here at Setfords, we go one step further. Our consultant lawyers enjoy complete flexibility and autonomy, working whenever, wherever, and however they wish. Indeed, this is the key element that attracts many lawyers to Setfors, and consultancy firms as a whole – we offer unparalleled flexibility to those who are tired of the traditional model. 


Another key element that more and more lawyers are seeking from their chosen law firm is technology. Artificial Intelligence is becoming more and more prominent, but what lawyers are really looking for at this point is tech that allows them to work from anywhere. Indeed, the Wolters Kluwer report states that 89% of lawyers say it’s important to have technology that supports their ability to work remotely. And, 92% said that it’s important to get appropriate technology training. 

Allowing flexible, remote working is one thing, but firms need to ensure they have the tech that measures up if they want to attract and retain the best talent – and show their lawyers how to use it. Here at Setfords, our systems, which have been designed and built in-house, allow our lawyers to work from almost any country in the world. This means that they can design a job and a life that works for them. Our dedicated team of trainers are also on hand to provide our lawyers with the knowledge they need to make the most of our systems, no matter where they may be in the world. 

An attractive package

Overall, what lawyers are really looking for from the firms they work for is a full package. They want to be able to embrace flexibility, whilst also having full support and a welcoming, inclusive culture. Remote working is a priority, but it’s important to have the systems to back it up. For today’s lawyers, earnings are important, but they’re really not the full picture. Of course, nobody can truly have it all, but law firms need to ensure that they’re listening to the needs and wants of their workforce if they want to keep them happy. 

At Setfords, we’re looking for UK-qualified lawyers with 5+ years of post-qualified experience. We’ve worked hard to create a great culture, where our consultant lawyers work remotely but don’t feel lonely. They can take advantage of working entirely flexibly from almost anywhere in the world, with the opportunity to earn a higher percentage of their billings as a result. If this sounds like the sort of firm you’d like to work with, please get in touch to learn more about consultancy with Setfords. 

Is consultancy for me?

If you want to find out more about becoming a consultant with us, get in touch. We are happy to conduct interviews remotely for suitable, UK-qualified candidates with five or more years’ experience. If you’re a good fit, you’ll be joining a team that was created for lawyers to do their best work.

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